Shalom Aleichem

"I want to scale the utmost height,
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I'll pray, till heaven I've found,
HaShem, lead me on to higher ground!"

I commit myself to follow HaShem-
even when the darkness increases-
because I know You're always with me.
I trust You not to let me walk in darkness

The waves run fast and high,
And the fogs close chill around,
And the light goes out in the sky;
But I know that we two
Shall win in the end—
Adonai Shalom and I forever.

Each choice we make forms a building block in our character development.
Will we choose the world's way or HaShem way?
Will we live under the banner of compromise or under the banner of Adonai Elohim?

When we in darkness walk,
Nor feel the heavenly flame,
Then is the time to trust our HaShem,
And rest upon His name.

Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010


The reason you have a business is to reconnect all these fragments back to their Creator. And the gauge of your success is your attitude.

If you see yourself as a victim of circumstance, of competitors, markets and trends, that your bread is in the hands of flesh and blood…

…then your world is still something separate from your Davar.

But if you have the confidence that He is always with you in whatever you do and the only one who has the power to change your destiny is you yourself through your own acts of goodness…

…then your earth is tied to the heavens, and since in the heavens nothing is lacking, so too it shall be in your world.

Baruch HaShem

1 komentar:

  1. Its a fantastic Blog. In jewish tradition, the Mezuzah is a statement of faith, written in Hebrew on a tiny scroll contained in a decorative case fixed to the front doorpost.
